Becoming confident on camera is
an essential life, video
interview and business skill.

Investing in your confidence on camera can help propel you ahead of your competition, raise your profile and put you on the call-back list for jobs.

Becoming confident on camera is an essential life, video interview
and business skill.

Investing in your confidence on camera can help propel you ahead of your competition, raise your profile and put you on the call-back list for jobs.



The Average Job Application Or Resume Is Reviewed For A Mere Six Seconds!

Give Your Job Hunters The 'Get That Job' Advantage So They Don't Get Lost Among Other Applications.



The Average
Job Application Or Resume Is Reviewed For
A Mere Six Seconds!

Give Your Job Hunters The 'Get That Job' Advantage So They Don't Get Lost Among Other Applications.



The Average Job Application Or Resume Is Reviewed For
A Mere Six Seconds!

Give Your Job Hunters The 'Get That Job' Advantage So They Don't Get Lost Amongst The Other Applications.

Get That Job Video Interview Workshops for Job Hunters

Video interviews are here to stay, so job hunters who want to succeed have no choice but to become confident on camera and get on board with the technology. Interviews are hard enough without the added stress of having to navigate speaking to the camera confidently and understanding the technology.

Are you a job search provider with job hunters who are required to undertake video interviews? Give them the boost they need so they become confident on camera, ace their interviews and get that job.

Are you a job search provider with job hunters who are required to undertake video interviews? Give them the boost they need so they become confident on camera, ace their interviews and get that job.

Are you a job search provider with job hunters who are required to undertake video interviews? Give them the boost they need so they become confident on camera, ace their interviews and get that job.

GET THAT JOB Video InterviEW workshop topics include…

GET THAT JOB Video InterviEW workshop
topics include…

GET THAT JOB Video InterviEW
workshop topics include…

Confident on camera with Camera Confidence™

GET THAT JOB video interview workshops

Help your job hunters become confident on camera and gain the video interview skills they need, by hosting a Get That Job Video Interview workshop.

in-front of camera confidence

building positive mindsets

Handling Nerves

Overcoming fear

present with authenticity

utilising your vocal tone


communication skills

understanding body language

wardrobe advice

SETTING YOUR interview scene

Lighting and audio tips


demystifying the technology

Confident on camera with Camera Confidence™


Help your job hunters become confident on camera and gain the video interview skills they need, by hosting a Get That Job Video Interview workshop.

in-front of camera confidence

building positive mindsets

Your Nerves

YOUR fear

present with authenticity

utilising your
vocal tone





interview scene

Lighting and
audio tips

video interview preparation

demystifying the technology

understanding body language


wardrobe advice


Lighting and audio tips

video interview preparation

demystifying the technology

in-front of camera confidence


building positive mindsets

Handling Nerves

Overcoming fear

present with authenticity

utilising your vocal tone

Confident on camera with Camera Confidence™

video interview workshops

Help your job hunters become confident on camera and gain the video interview skills they need,
by hosting a Get That Job
Video Interview workshop.

Subscribe today to unlock your weekly Camera Confidence tips

Let Your Brilliance Shine®

Subscribe today to unlock your weekly Camera Confidence tips

Subscribe today to unlock your weekly camera confidence tips

Let Your Brilliance Shine®

Harnessing Hope To Get That Job Tailored Workshops
For Job Hunters

Hope is a foundational key for becoming confident on camera and in video interview. This powerful positive psychology-based hope and video interview workshop will revive job hunters’ spirits, infuse passion for their purpose and provide keys, tools and strategies so they can stay in hope, ace their video interviews and get that job.

Harnessing Hope To
Get That Job
Tailored Workshops
For Job Hunters

Hope is a foundational key for becoming confident on camera and in video interview. This powerful positive psychology-based hope and video interview workshop will revive job hunters’ spirits, infuse passion for their purpose and provide keys, tools and strategies so they can stay in hope, ace their video interviews and get that job.

Harnessing Hope To Get That Job Tailored Workshops
For Job Hunters

Hope is a foundational key for becoming confident on camera and in video interview. This powerful positive psychology-based hope and video interview workshop will revive job hunters’ spirits, infuse passion for their purpose and provide keys, tools and strategies so they can stay in hope, ace their video interviews and get that job.

Tailor your Get That Job Hope
and Video Interview workshop to suit your job hunters' needs.

Tailor your Get That Job Hope and
Video Interview workshop to suit
your job hunters' needs.

Tailor your Get That Job Hope
and Video Interview workshop to suit your job hunters' needs.

Get That Job Hope and Video interview
workshop topics include a choice of all the
get that job video interview topics plus…

Get That Job Hope and Video interview
workshop topics include a choice of all the
get that job video interview topics plus…

Get That Job Hope and
Video interview workshop topics
include a choice of
all the Get That Job video interview topics plus…

HOPE and Video
Interview workshops

Job hunters need hope to become confident on camera, undertake a video interview and last the job-hunting journey to get that job. Our workshops are tailored to inspire hope for a positive future while also teaching essential video interview skills.

Finding joy, love and hope as your birthright.

Tapping into forgiveness to release hope

Reframing your employment story from a hope-filled perspective

Choosing self-love & care physically, mentally, emotionally

Identify shared hopes, fears and dreams

Understand your strengths & values & how they work towards achieving your goals

remembering your victories to increase hope

Defining and redefining your goals to enhance, find and model hope

Using willpower & waypower to create a goal roadmap

Strategies for managing willpower and motivation

Uncover tools and strategies for building resilience

Discover the power of thankfulness, appreciation & learn to ground yourself in hope

HOPE and Video

Job hunters need hope to become confident on camera, undertake a video interview and last the job-hunting journey to get that job. Our workshops are tailored to inspire hope for a positive future while also teaching essential video interview skills.

Finding joy, love and hope as your birthright

Tapping into forgiveness to release a hope-filled life

Reframing your employment story from a hope-filled perspective

Choosing self-love & care physically, mentally, emotionally

Identify shared hopes, fears and dreams

Understand your strengths & values & how they work towards achieving your goals

Remembering your victories to increase hope

Defining and redefining your goals to enhance, find and model hope

Discover the power of thankfulness & learn to ground yourself in hope

Uncover tools and strategies for building resilience

Using willpower & waypower to create a goal roadmap

Strategies for managing willpower and motivation

Remembering your victories to increase hope

Defining and redefining your goals to enhance, find and model hope

Using willpower & waypower to create a goal roadmap

Strategies for managing willpower and motivation

Discover the power of thankfulness & learn to ground yourself in hope

Uncover tools and strategies for building resilience

Finding joy, love and hope as your birthright

Tapping into forgiveness to release hope

Reframing your employment story from a hope-filled perspective

Choosing self-love & care physically, mentally, emotionally

Identify shared hopes, fears and dreams

Understand your strengths & values & how they work towards achieving your goals

HOPE and Video
Interview workshops

Job hunters need hope to become confident on camera, undertake a video interview and last the job-hunting journey to get that job. Our workshops are tailored to inspire hope for a positive future while also teaching essential video interview skills.

Check Out Our Testimonials

Check Out Our Testimonials

Check Out Our Testimonials